Hi, I'm Carolee and I am a 40-something mom of 30 year old and 18 yr old sons and a 12 year old daughter. I also have 3 stepsons, 25, 21, and 20 as well as a grandson, 2 years old.
I have spent many years working at different jobs, and I ran a home daycare for about 10 years. 3 years ago I started a home business selling dental and health plans. So much has changed in my life since then, I am sometimes amazed.
I started homeschooling my 12 year old daughter this year. This has allowed even more freedom in our lives- a freedom that people who work a J-O-B and have kids in school may never experience.
Just before starting my home business, I was diagnosed with Cancer. I had a large tumor on my kidney, which needed to be removed A.S.A.P. When they opened me up, they found it had spread to my spleen, so they took that , too. Thank goodness for spares- I still have a kidney, and I've been great without the spleen. There is a 50-50 chance (did they not know what to say?) chance of it returning. I'm not considered "cured" for like 10 years!
But fear not, I feel great!
Last year, my 12 year old daughter was diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. This can sometimes be a bummer for her, especially if her hips or ankles hurt- she is generally a kid on the move.
Right now she's feeling great, too.
I have always wanted to go camping with my kids. Growing up, we had a trailer and went camping (at the same campground) every year. My parents camped there for 20+ years. I really missed that with my kids. Except I wanted to see the country........
The Grand Canyon, Mount Rushmore, everything grand and beautiful in the US. I had been across country once- in a car to get there, and a train to come back. Long story- maybe another day. But that was not enough time to really SEE things.
Recently, I ran in to some forums for people who live on the road. Two of them are Families on the Road, and Rv.net. These forums have fueled a fire that was simmering just below the surface, awaiting the right time.
I realized if I keep waiting, the time may never be right. My business had slowed down considerably in the waning economy, and Ron's place of business shut down. We went through most of our savings.
Why not just hit the road sooner than later? Research had shown me there is free and even affordable camping out there, and often you can work at a campgrounds for a free campsite and maybe even a little pay.
I am an avid blogger, and I think if I can get some "Rv/camping" type advertisers, that can help fund my trip.
And finally, I am planning on writing a book to share with others how to find true freedom, and that home can be wherever you park your wheels.
This is the story of our quest to find the perfect Rv or travel trailer to suit our needs, and our subsequent adventures on the road.
We Did It. We Bought a House
10 years ago
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