Sunday, March 21, 2010

Shopping around for an RV..............

I'm still searching the net every day, looking for that perfect deal. I'm pretty sure the one in my previous post is sold- I don't see it on the Internet anymore. I liked it, but I would have had to finance.

I really do not want to finance one. We have our house payment, and a car payment already. We are not ready to go on the road full-time, so there is no sense getting a 5th wheel with 3 bedrooms or whatever at this point.

Something a little older would suffice. But if you pay too much, there is no trade in value. Ron wants a pop-up- I'm not so sure. But should I be picky starting out?

So I look for the "perfect deal"- something I can pay cash for (not much :-) but trade in eventually. And not have payments for 10 years!

Are you along for the ride?

It's funny talking to my friends about what I want to do. One couple we know work the carnie. They are the ones that just got the pop-up so cheap. They are all excited about heading out soon.

Another friend I've talked to is all for hitting the road. Guess she has relatives that are on the road and work the small school events, carnivals and such selling jellies, jams and pickled stuff.

I was telling her about this blog and all the stuff I hope to add to it. Both Ron and my friends husband are diesel mechanics. Ron has worked on RV's and buses, although he says they aren't as nice (room to work in) than a regular diesel tractor.

Another friend (of Ron's) agreed- sell it all and go on the road. Ironically, he's also a diesel mechanic.

Actually, he'll fix anything.

Ron likes his space when working on an engine- forget the cars!

So many would like hit the road, so few do.

It's just not that easy for the average Joe- those affected by unemployment, disabilities and such.

Even to sell everything and go- the housing market just isn't all that good.

But, I am an optimistic person- if it's meat to be, we'll know it when we see it.........


  1. Good luck I hope you find what you want

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